Real Life Law
Topic: How the courts are set up
Topic: Start of a civil case
Topic: Discovery
Topic: Depositions
Topic: Jury summons
Topic: Jury selection
Topic: Opening statements
Topic: Wills
Topic: Trust
Topic: Probate
Topic: Sexual harassment
Topic: Accidents
Topic: Domestic abuse
Topic: Divorce (summons and prep)
Topic: Prenup
Topic: Postnup
Topic: Bankruptcy
Tom Gardiner on practicing in Lake Geneva vs. Chicago, civil vs. criminal cases, and the Illinois SAFE-T act
March 19, 2023
Tom Gardiner discusses the longevity of cases, Obama Presidential Center, and SAFE-T act in Illinois
January 15, 2023
Tom Gardiner discusses conversations at the dinner table during the holidays
November 27, 2022 (part 1 & 2)
Tom Gardiner discusses Illinois’ Pretrial Fairness Act
September 18, 2022
Tom Gardiner discusses what sets GKWW apart from other firms
August 21, 2022
Jen Box and Shelby L. Peteler discuss their background and working at GKWW
July 17, 2022
Philip Steigerwald discusses his experience, writing a Supreme Court brief, and Roe v. Wade
June 5, 2022
Hamza Jaka discusses his background and activism in disability rights
May 15, 2022